Wednesday, May 17, 2006

when google goes wrong ....

One of many brave new territories vbeing ventured into by the idea hamsters at google inc is to make the reply to any question posed to the google search engine be accurate ,or at the best relevant.
Only, images are searched by keywords attached to those images, so they are counting on a site host to not be a conniving prick like yours truly and pull shit like having keywords like brittney spears or ponies (yes, i donot like pre-adolescent girls) with graphic images of circumcisions or vasectomies (either will do) with the ray of hope being that they will show up on google and shock the pinafores of them pony loving brittney wannabees.
It looks like God has done most of my work for me. Whaere best to spread disinformation and keep his flock humble and obedient than their most revered source of wisdom?

Here are the images i get for a few questions many impressionable kids and desperate souls have in common.
  • Is there a God ?

  • Is there life out there ?
  • Google must have misunderstood my query, so i rephrased it.
Is there intelligent life out there?

  • Well, next question..... Is there true love?
  • That was not very helpful. I decided to move onto more worldly questions
Like .....
  • What is sex?

This was the most relevant answer i have got so far nad it relies heavily on innuendo not everyone is privy to.

  • I decided to go easy on her and ask questions which are more common, so i went ahead with....
  • Where do babies come from?

No, Im not buying it.

  • Who Let the dogs out?

Okayy, thats better.
  • Which backstreet boy is gay?

At last , one straight answer out of google, and surprisingly accurate too .
There is still hope. Keep at it Mr.Brin.

  • By the way, here are a few results for keyword "stupid".

Disclaimer: I shit you not