the Dhannsari Zone-Continued
There is no way I can get out of this. Other than killing myself. All I could think of are the horrid things pondy would be doing within my body, forget the disgrace of being him, what of my rep?Not that Im much of anything but what of my family?my friends? will they miss me ? or will they settle for this new and improved ass-kissing ,highly obliging version of me? No way.This is pondy we are talkin about.There is a good reason he's the most hated person of UG-1.But wait. There are two sides to that coin.He could be doin anything now. And so could I. The thought lasted for about a second before all the possibilities opened up to me. I can get away with anything.If im stuck in this stupid meaningless excuse of a life, I might as well be doing it in rajamundhry central jail.
Now,what would any rational, red blooded person do if in my position? Screw that.Now is not the time to be rational. Its payback time to every person who needs to be offed for the good of mankind.
I began to think of wonderful new things I could do to people now that I have nothing to lose.
This is so not what I saw coming for me this semester. I think I will have lot of fun.